Ascend Elements CEO Mike O’Kronley was featured on CNBC‘s new climate technology series, “Clean Start,” on April 11, 2022. The series introduces viewers to startups and investors working to fight climate change.
“Massachusetts-based Ascend Elements, has developed a process to capture battery metals and formulate them into new battery materials, rather than just recycle whole components as competitors do. Ascend can then sell those materials directly to manufacturers,” said Diana Olick, CNBC’s climate tech correspondent.
“We’re effectively urban mining, bringing that material in and transforming it into very usable material for the battery manufacturers. Therefore, we’re offsetting the amount of mining that’s needed,” O’Kronley said. “We are able to reduce that carbon footprint 90% to 93% by just recycling these batteries and producing new cathode material.”
Watch the full segment on CNBC.